J.U.M.P Ghana - Boots and Books - Ghana

Project Goal: $10,300

Current Progress: $3,828 (37.00%)

JUMP Africa is proud to announce a partnership with Book and Boots to provide much needed Books and supplies (through Books For Africa) to the under served youths in communities across Ghana.  Books and Boots taps, nurtures and develops raw mental, recreational, academic and sporting talents.

A basic discovery made by Books and Boots is that most children in deprived communities’ love playing more than reading because they see reading as a task instead of an activity that can be enjoyed rather than endured. Ghana could face a national crisis if her biggest asset, children, cannot read or express themselves properly when interacting with teachers, friends, members from other communities and other countries.

Youth unemployment is a major threat in many countries with education and training seen as vital and critical investments. The tinderbox mix of high youth unemployment, lack of education and the threat of civil uprising is turning access to school into a "security issue", says Irina Bokova, director general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Children are never too young to be taught right from wrong.

Boots and Books research and practical experience has identified a way to bridge that gap killing two birds with one stone, by encouraging and activating ‘‘child’s learn as child’s play’’ concept at the same time, without making too much of a concerted effort. The competitive spirit in children can be unconsciously ignited by encouraging children to read, debate, score points and then play - sparking healthy ''win-win'' competition among them.

Your donation will send a 40-foot container of books, supplies and computers to support the pupils of Boots and Books in increasing literacy in Ghana.