Empowering Rural Kenya: Library Set-Up World Pulse SDG5 Initiative (William Tarpai) - Kenya

Project Goal: $17,681

Current Progress: $1,750 (10.00%)

Caring citizens, inspired by collaborations with local, civil society, non-governmental organization are working to bring up their children in healthy, thriving communities, inspired by Kenya’s hosting and involvements with the United Nations Civil Society Conference in 2024

This project aims to improve education in our rural communities by tracking data, using sound methodology with real-life stories to achieve progress, collaborating with our local, regional and national government to create successful sustainable development (SDGs) outcomes.  Helping our country to achieve the best possible outcomes by 2030, against all 17 SDGs.  We want to build brighter futures for everyone, leaving no one behind.

The books will be kept in our organization's resource centers, to be used and utilized by the community. Both Safina Empowerment Organization and Haki Nawiri Afrika will set aside designated spaces to establish resource centers in our respective areas of operation, which are Bomet County and Kajiado. The choice of these locations is strategic, as they are among the counties categorized as underdeveloped. Thus, we are taking the library to where it is needed most.

The resource centers/libraries will benefit both school children and adults/community members who do not have access to educational materials. The spaces will be open to the public and the community. Books will be lent and shared with local schools when requested, and we will implement a system to track them, ensuring the books circulate and are utilized equally to benefit all.

The books will be meticulously categorized based on subject, age group, and educational level. We will employ a library management system to ensure efficient tracking, borrowing, and returning processes. Volunteers and staff from both organizations will manage the libraries, ensuring proper organization and accessibility.

The books will benefit:

•            Students: From primary to secondary levels, enhancing their academic journey.
•            Community Members: Including adults who seek to improve their knowledge and literacy.
•            Children: Providing them with storybooks and learning materials to foster early childhood education.

Our project aims to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7 “…‘ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”.

Contact: William Tarpai, tarpai@aol.com