The Gambia
USA-Jarra Association - The Gambia
USA Jarra Association is embarking on a project to mobilize resources and donate used books to the Kanni-Kunda Primary School, Soma Senior Secondary School, and Jappinah Primary School, as well as open a resource center and community library within Kanni-Kunda Village. The ultimate aim and objective is to help changing the lives of people in the village. We hope that this initiative will bring a core change in our community in the area of intellectual development of the public. We are hopeful…
1 Million Books for The Gambia
1 Million Books for The Gambia began in 2008 when A Hand in Health volunteers collaborated with CEO Kebba Badgie of the Sulayman Junkung General Hospital. Sulayman Junkung General Hospital was built in 2003 on the basis that it would become a state-of-the-art teaching hospital, incorporating students from the capital city, from all over Gambia, and, some day, from all over the world. With a lack of resources, however, this simply wasn’t possible. While Mr. Badgie had high hopes to fulfill this…