Phumulani Minnesota African Women Against Violence

Project Goal: $17,000

Current Progress: $2,945 (17.00%)

Due to the HIV epidemic, there are disproportionately high rates of orphaned chidren. They often lack resources like school fees and school supplies. Books will be a great resource for these children, as they are very expensive.

This project was created to bring books to Chiazhanye Mabvuku Harare learning community, with the goal of the project is to make books accessible to children who traditionally are unable to access books due to cost, and to stock shelves of urban locations in Zimbabwe. The project is aimed at providing library books for school-aged children from elementary to secondary, as well as girls’ empowerment collections.

Ultimately, the results will be improved literacy scores for poor and marginalized children in Zimbabwe’s high-density suburbs, and well-supplied public libraries in the poorer neighborhoods in Zimbabwe.

Contact: Comfort Dondo,