20,000 BFA books delivered to schools throughout Tanzania in honor of Sullivan Summit VIII.

20,000 BFA books delivered to schools throughout Tanzania in honor of Sullivan Summit VIII.

Student volunteer and book lover Jacqueline, who helped sort a BFA shipment of books in Tanzania.

In celebration of Sullivan Summit VIII, held in June 2008 in Arusha, Tanzania, Books For Africa shipped over 20,000 books that were delivered to schools throughout Tanzania. Better World Books sponsored the shipment, which was distributed by Poverty Eradication Network Trust (PEN Trust) based in Tanzania.

A group of primary students in Arusha, Tanzania, eagerly await their new BFA books.

The books were distributed among 33 universities, primary and secondary schools, and regional libraries throughout the country. To view more pictures of the books being delivered, view this slideshow. PEN Trust reports that they have a waiting list of 30 schools just in the Arusha area that would like books from a future BFA shipment.