A Big Day for Chain of Hope Schools in Uganda

A Big Day for Chain of Hope Schools in Uganda

“The Books have arrived! THANK YOU! And as expected, the kids are super excited-they had to get a day off from study because they just couldn’t concentrate in class. The big truck (which the children thought was a bus!) couldn’t pass through the school gate so we had to ferry the books with another smaller vehicle to one of the classrooms as we await distribution to all beneficiaries.”
- Agnes Igoye, container captain for Chain of Hope Uganda project

Chain of Hope, a non-profit serving the people of war-torn Northern Uganda, brought 22,000 BFA books to students in the region in early spring of 2013.

Among many other necessary social and educational programs, Chain of Hope establishes schools and shelters for orphans and vulnerable children. Currently, they serve over 175 orphaned children, some of whom were abducted and others born of rape used as a weapon of war by the Lord’s Resistance Army. These schools and libraries will build a foundation for opportunity for this at risk youth population for years to come.

“I am so humbled by the impact the books are already having” Agnes writes, “The children are beaming with hope for a brighter future.”