Ambassador Daniel Ohene Agyekum of Ghana Headlines BFA Fundraiser

Ambassador Daniel Ohene Agyekum of Ghana Headlines BFA Fundraiser

BFA founder Tom Warth introduces Ambassador Daniel Ohene Agyekum of Ghana at the Eastcliff reception.

Books For Africa was honored to welcome His Excellency Daniel Ohene Agyekum, Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States, as the keynote speaker at the annual BFA fundraising luncheon on April 28, 2010, at the St. Paul Town & Country Club in Minnesota.

View slideshow of the Eastcliff reception and fundraising luncheon. A big thank you to photographer Lance Lundstrom for the fantastic photos (

At the luncheon program, BFA board member Asratie Teferra described how he was born in a one-room hut in a rural village in Ethiopia and how the course of his life was changed profoundly by access to education and books. “I ended up living in a larger town [in Ethiopia] where schooling was available. On the contrary, my two brothers were unable to learn further than 4th grade. My brothers did not get the chance they deserve. Only the opportunity for education set us apart.”

In honor of the Ambassador’s visit, Books For Africa is sending a 40-foot sea container of 22,000 books to the Ghana Library System to promote literacy. At the signing ceremony with BFA President Tom Gitaa, Ambassador Agyekum said, “I would like to express my government’s commitment BFA president Tom Gitaa and Ambassador Agyekum of Ghana sign
Memo of Understanding to send over 20,000 BFA books to the Ghana
Library working with you [Books For Africa] on this.” Mr. Gitaa noted that Ghana is one of the top recipients of book donations in Books For Africa’s history, adding, "We at Books For Africa are ready to help Ghana in achieving the Millennium Development Goals."

View more photos and read the article "Books For Africa to Stock Ghana Library System" on the Mshale website.

Read article on the Ghana Embassy's website about Ambassador Agyekum's trip to Minnesota and the ongoing partnership between BFA and Ghana.

Ambassador Agyekum of Ghana shakes hands with Tom Pfeifer of Thomson Reuters.While in the Twin Cities, the Ambassador also held meetings with members of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce and executives at Thomson Reuters. The company provides core law libraries for BFA’s Law & Democracy Initiative, which sends books to African law schools.