Better World Books Receives BFA’s First Annual Kilimanjaro Society Award of Merit

Better World Books Receives BFA’s First Annual Kilimanjaro Society Award of Merit

From left: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Augustine P. Mahiga of Tanzania, Tom Warth (BFA founder), Paul Miller (BWB), Somali President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, and Congressman Keith Ellison (MN).

Better World Books received BFA’s first annual Kilimanjaro Society Award of Merit at the Kilimanjaro Society breakfast on October 3. Patrick Plonski, BFA Executive Director, said, “The tremendous support that Better World Books has provided in terms of increasing literacy across the African continent for millions of people is almost too much to calculate. Their support of Books For Africa has been in excess of $2 million since 2003 in cash and many millions of dollars worth of donated books.”

Upon accepting the award, BWB’s Paul Miller said, “I think that this weekend really reaffirmed the importance of the work that BFA does in getting books over to the African continent and really helping to advance the cause of literacy and education. So it’s an honor to be part of their mission.”