Books For Africa Hosts Rwandan Ambassador at Annual Luncheon 2024: “A Book For Every Child”

Photo credit: Marcus Styles

Books For Africa welcomed Rwandan Ambassador Mathilde Mukantabana, as well as supporters from around the world, on May 10th at its Annual Luncheon in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The theme, “A Book For Every Child,” highlighted Books For Africa’s dedication in sending over 60 million books to date to the African continent, with upcoming shipments planned to Rwanda, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Over 350 guests were in attendance to hear Her Excellency’s keynote address, which highlighted the value of donated books:

“You can’t buy a book when you are still trying to purchase the food to put on the table… So to find a book is something that is almost like finding gold.”

The event was an occasion for giving, and BFA’s supporters rose to the occasion, donating over $170,000 in cash, sponsorships, and pledges, which will go to fund the shipment of tens of thousands of books to Africa. Books For Africa is pleased to be sending a shipment to Rwanda next month in honor of Ambassador Mukantabana, funded by partner and sponsor Thomson Reuters. Other containers funded at the event will be sent to Kenya, Tanzania, and other African countries.

Other speakers included container captain Kim Harms, Executive Director Patrick Plonski, founder Tom Warth, John Elstad, and Thomson Reuters Vice President of Global Print Manufacturing & Distribution Steve Zweber.

You can check out our photo album from the event here, or in the slideshow below, and read the coverage in Publishers Weekly and in Mshale.

2024 Spring Fundraising Events