BFA Books Arrive in Uganda Thanks to Rotary and Ameriprise

BFA Books Arrive in Uganda Thanks to Rotary and Ameriprise

These students from Kidera Primary School in Uganda received BFA books in May of 2010.

In May of 2010, a BFA container of books was distributed at Kidera Primary School and Tororo Girls School in Uganda. Seth Eggessa of the Roseville Rotary in Minnesota spearheaded this project. Seth is originally from Uganda and funded the book shipment with the help of several Rotary clubs and Ameriprise.

View slideshow of books being given to the students in Uganda.

Seth writes:

"The shipment got to the Girls School on May 8th and the container was unloaded the same afternoon. Thanks to my Rotary Team and Ameriprise for funding / grants.

"What a joy it was to see the reaction of the community around Kidera Primary School! There was an absolute enthusiasm from all, and especially the students, a contingent of 1,030 kids clad in pink, singing welcoming songs and making Books For Africa real heroes. Tororo Girls School also received over 473 boxes of books.

"Thanks for all your patience, coordinations and dedication."

Unloading the books in Uganda.