BFA Founder, Tom Warth and Delegation Complete the African Book Walk in the Gambia

BFA Founder, Tom Warth and Delegation Complete the African Book Walk in the Gambia

After 8 days, Tom Warth, BFA founder, and the group that joined him on the African Book Walk across the Gambia are on their way home. Their quick progress was astounding, even to the walkers. Tom posted a picture on facebook as they crossed the Gambia-Senegal border proclaiming  “20 miles total on my pedometer!!!”

As they made their way across the 25 kilometer Trans-Gambian highway, the group distributed a full container of 22,000 books. They also met with US and foreign ambassadors as well as Gambian officials to discuss the importance of books and literacy in Africa and the Gambia.

On the home front, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press and WCCO Radio were among the media outlets that took note of the great work that Tom and his fellow walkers were doing. Fundswere also raised to send seven containers of books—over 150,000 Books—to the Gambia.

For more pictures and updates from the walk, click here.

Tom Warth and the BFA Delegation met with US diplomatic officials while in the Gambia.

“We came up with the idea of trying to end the book famine in the Gambia. The Gambia only has a million and a half people and maybe 75 thousand children, so we thought that a campaign to send 1,000,000 books would be dramatic.” - Tom Warth, WCCO Interview February 2012

5. The BFA team also met with the Nigerian ambassador to the Gambia, , who later joined them for a leg of their journey.

“Can you imagine a child who’s never held a book? I’ve seen children who didn’t even know how to hold the book.” - Tom Warth, WCCO Interview, February 2012

Throngs of Support for the African Book Walk