BFA is teaming up with Representative Keith Ellison to ship books to Somalia!

BFA is teaming up with Representative Keith Ellison to ship books to Somalia!

U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) just recently returned from a trip to Somalia to meet with the newly elected Somali president, Hassan Sheik Mohamoud.

While visiting, President Mohamoud requested that Representative Ellison help Mogadishu re-establish the Mogadishu Public Library. Following years of civil war, the library has few resources left for aspiring students. So Representative Ellison is teaming up with Books For Africa, the African Development Center, and the Somali Action Alliance Education Fund to send a full 40-foot sea container of 22,000 books to fill the Mogadishu Public Library.

This shipment will include a Core Law Library of new latest edition books donated by the publisher, Thomson Reuters, through the Books For Africa Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative. This includes many texts on common law, business law, human rights, legal drafting and the practice of law to help promote the rule of law in this fledgling democracy. This prepackaged legal resource library will go to the Somalia Parliament.

Representative Ellison needs your help to send these books to Mogadishu. Please click here to go to the project page to make a donation.


Thanks to BFA, the African Development, and the Somali Action Alliance Education Fund Center for their partnership on this project.