BFA Receptions with Rwandan and Ethiopian Ambassadors a Huge Success

BFA Receptions with Rwandan and Ethiopian Ambassadors a Huge Success

At the April 21 Eastcliff reception. From left: Asratie Teferra, BFA board member; His Excellency James Kimonyo, Rwanda's Ambassador to the U.S.; His Excellency Girma Birru Geda, Ethiopia's Ambassador to the U.S.; and Siad Ali, Constituent Advocate for Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN).

Books For Africa was honored to host two African ambassadors on April 21, 2011, at a morning reception at Eastcliff on the University of Minnesota campus and at the annual BFA fundraising luncheon at the Town & Country Club of Saint Paul. At the events, His Excellency James Kimonyo, Rwanda's Ambassador to the U.S., and His Excellency Girma Birru Geda, Ethiopia's Ambassador to the U.S., both spoke about the importance of access to education and books in their countries.

View slideshow of the April 21 Eastcliff reception and Town & Country Club luncheon.

Megan Meyer, founder of A Hand in Health, with the two ambassadors at Eastcliff.At the luncheon, Megan Meyer, founder of the nonprofit A Hand in Health, presented a slideshow of the book distribution in The Gambia that she organized. Meyer is currently fundraising to ship another BFA container of books, with the ultimate goal of sending 1 million books to The Gambia.

Tom Pfeifer, VP at Thomson Reuters, with the two ambassadors. Pfeifer has been instrumental in the success of BFA's Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative, which sends West law libraries generously provided by Thomson Reuters to African law schools.

At Eastcliff. From left: Isaac Owens, Brad Buck of Land O' Lakes, and Rosemond Owens. The Owens have raised thousands of dollars to send BFA books to their native Ghana. Rosemond served as MC at the fundraising luncheon.