Books Delivered to the Children of Livingstone, Zambia

Books Delivered to the Children of Livingstone, Zambia


The Happy Africa Foundation knows just how exciting 22,000 books can be. The children of Zambia also know this after a full container of books was delivered to Livingstone in January 2012!

February was brimming with activity as the staff of the Happy Africa Project sorted and delivered all of the books to schools and libraries throughout the region.

The teachers and students were thrilled to have new books for school and library use. “The students will benefit from your contribution both now and in the future. In times of limited resources, contributions such as yours make an incredible difference in what’s available to our students” said Reverand Mubuyaeta Imasiku, a school official in Livingstone.

The project was such a great success that the group has been in communication with government officials about plans to bring more books to Southern Zambia.