Books For Africa Celebrates International Literacy Day and the Shipment of 25 Million Books to Africa

Books For Africa Celebrates International Literacy Day and the Shipment of 25 Million Books to Africa

On International Literacy Day each year, UNESCO reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally.

Books For Africa has officially sent more than 25 million books to Africa. In celebration of this milestone and International Literacy Day, Books For Africa is inviting volunteers to sort and pack books at the two BFA warehouses in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Smyrna, Georgia.

Read the Star Tribune story about the celebration.

In addition, all BFA supporters are invited to a South African-style braai (barbecue) at the BFA Minnesota warehouse on Saturday, September 17, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Once again, this free event will take place courtesy of MT Global Wines and U.S. Foodservice. There will be plenty of delicious South African wine and beer and lots of food, and live music from the Marimba Africa band! You can also tour the BFA warehouse.

This year we will be celebrating BFA’s shipment of 25 million books since 1988. As our very BFA first shipment was a Rotary International shipment to Jinja, Uganda, this event will focus on sending two more containers to Jinja in collaboration with the Woodbury Rotary Club and a number of other Rotary friends of BFA.

What: BFA South African-style Braai (Barbeque)--a FREE event
Where: BFA Warehouse in St. Paul, Minnesota
               715 Minnehaha Avenue East
               Saint Paul, MN 55106
               Get directions.
When: Saturday, September 17, 2011
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Who: All supporters of BFA!