Books For Africa Delivers Books to Schools in Dakar, Senegal

Books For Africa Delivers Books to Schools in Dakar, Senegal

Mr. Diompy of École Sacré Coeur said, “The job you are doing can be called bringing the light to everybody. I hope that one day you will accompany me in villages where students are really in need of books.”

In February 2010, Carole Patrikakos of Books For Africa delivered English reference and reading books to classrooms in Dakar, Senegal. The books will support the English teachers’ resilient efforts to teach classrooms packed with up to 60 students. The high school students are eager to learn English so they can enter the job market with some proficiency.

View slideshow of Senegal school visits.

Université Gaston Berger, in St. Louis, Senegal, received a 40-foot container from Books For Africa in 2009. UGB officials reported, “Your helping hand will indeed improve immensely our students access to knowledge and fill an important gap in our library.”

At École Nelson Mandela, a secondary school in its first year of operation, just one box from Books For Africa doubled their amount of library books. It is the Director’s goal to acquire one book for every student.In Francophone countries, English instruction typically starts in secondary school. However, through exposure to music and television, young children start to build an English vocabulary. The provision of culturally appropriate English books supports their acquisition of English reading skills, from primary through university years.