Books For Africa Executive Director featured on Huffington Post Impact Blog

Books For Africa Executive Director featured on Huffington Post Impact Blog

Patrick Plonski, BFA Executive Director, has another blog up on Huffington Post Impact!

The Impact blog is running a special series on impending crisis in the Sahel. There is a real need for education and development in the region and BFA has delivered to a number of countries in the region since we were founded in 1989.

Read about the partnership between BFA and North Dakota based Panyijiar County Development Services (PACODES) bringing books to Africa’s newest nation, South Sudan.

“A generation equipped with knowledge from what has been done somewhere else will be important to bring about a positive difference in South Sudan.’ Though a challenge to deliver, education will be the ‘bridge from misery to hope’ (Kofi Annan) that will bring a more peaceful tomorrow to South Sudan.”

Read more at Huffington Post.