Books For Africa Hosts Mr. Yohannes Gebregeorgis, One of Ten CNN Heroes for 2008 

Books For Africa Hosts Mr. Yohannes Gebregeorgis, One of Ten CNN Heroes for 2008 

Mr. Yohannes Gebregeorgis of Ethiopia (center), one of ten CNN Heroes for 2008, tours the BFA warehouse in December 2008.

Books For Africa was honored to recently host at its warehouse Mr. Yohannes Gebregeorgis from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (pictured at center). Yohannes was recently named one of ten CNN heroes for his work to increase education and literacy in Ethiopia. Moved by the lack of children's books and low literacy rates in his native Ethiopia, Yohannes established Ethiopia Reads, bringing free public libraries and literacy programs to thousands of Ethiopian children. Books For Africa has worked in collaboration with Ethiopia Reads to ship books to Ethiopia. While visiting the BFA warehouse, Yohannes discussed with BFA staff plans for additional book shipments to Ethiopia.

Books For Africa is honored to work with Yohannes and also with another CNN hero, Viola Vaughn, who distributed BFA books in Senegal. Of the ten CNN heroes for 2008, two of them have worked with Books For Africa! Click here for more about the 2008 CNN heroes.