Books For Africa is a 2012 Great Non-Profit!

Books For Africa is a 2012 Great Non-Profit!

All sorts of folks volunteer with BFA. We were chosen as one of twelve lucky winners of the Atlanta Hometown Huddle. Rookies from the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons packed and sorted books in the Atlanta warehouse to show their commitment to building strong community in Atlanta!Books For Africa is happy to announce that we have been rated a Top Non-Profit by Great Non-Profits, an affiliate of Charity Navigator! We could not have done it without our supporters like you.

The 2012 Top-Rated Nonprofit List was based on the large number of positive reviews that Books For Africa received – reviews written by volunteers, donors and clients. People like Agnes Igoye posted their personal experiences with BFA.  Agnes, a container captain sending books to Uganda, wrote, “What struck me most [about BFA] was the Passion and dedicated efforts of the staff and Board members towards their work-Ending the Book Famine in Africa!”

Being on the Top-Rated list gives donors and volunteers more confidence that this is a credible organization.  The reviews by volunteers, clients and other donors show the on-the-ground results of this nonprofit.  This award is a form of recognition by the community.

See our Great Non-Profits profile page by clicking here.