Books For Africa Research Presented at African Studies Association Annual Meeting

Books For Africa Research Presented at African Studies Association Annual Meeting

Books For Africa–commissioned research was presented at the annual meeting of the African Studies Association held from November 19-22, 2009, in New Orleans, Louisiana. A paper entitled “Can Donated English-Language School Books Increase Literacy Levels in Africa? An Exploratory Investigation From Tanzania” was presented by BFA Executive Director Patrick Plonski, Ph.D. (Read research paper here.) Key findings from Plonski’s research were that (1) United States donated English-language text and library books did increase reading comprehension scores in a year-long pre-test/post-test control group design in Tanzania; (2) that the books had perceived value by teachers and administrators in the schools included in the study; and (3) that this research can serve as a source of information confirming the value of book donations and that further research regarding the cost effectiveness of such book donations is warranted in other locations in Africa.

The African Studies Association is the preeminent global organization promoting African studies and African affairs in scholarly and professional settings. Key presenters at the most recent annual meeting included U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, and World Bank Chief Economist for the African Region Shantayanan Devarajan.