Books For Africa thanks Cargill for the donation of books to Ghana!

Books For Africa thanks Cargill for the donation of books to Ghana!

100,000 books arrived in the Tema region in early April thanks to the Cargill Sustainable Cocoa program. In addition to textbooks for 27 primary and secondary schools, Cargill also sent a full West Core Law Library for the University of Ghana as a part of the Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative.

“We are extremely pleased to be supporting such a worthwhile project, providing key educational resources to schools in our local cocoa communities,” explained Kojo Amoo-Gottfried, Managing Director for Cargill Ghana.  “Most of the students at these local schools have only had limited access to textbooks before and so by partnering with Books For Africa we can take a few steps towards addressing this.”

Cocoa is a unique product. More than 60% of the three million tons produced annually is consumed in the Northern hemisphere by people in Europe and the Americas, but more than 70 percent comes from West Africa (World Cocoa Foundation).

Cargill’s Sustainable Cocoa Program will spend $5 million (USD) on programming in cocoa growing communities over the next three years to support Cargill employees’ communities worldwide. Many of the programs focus on increasing access to education for children in rural areas.

Books For Africa is proud to partner with Cargill to bring books to the cocoa growers of Ghana. As educational tools, these books will make a great impact on promoting development and the rule of law in the Tema region for years to come.