Contributing to the “Knowledge Economy” in Africa at Spring Fundraisers with Ambassador Rasool of South Africa

Contributing to the “Knowledge Economy” in Africa at Spring Fundraisers with Ambassador Rasool of South Africa

St. Paul Mayor, Chris Coleman, Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, and BFA Executive Director Patrick Plonski at the Books For Africa Donor Reception at the St. Paul Athletic Club (Credit: Aaron Hays)


“We are in the era of fast food, and we want to see results. But here we have a room full of people, who day in and day out, one book at a time, are saving the children of Africa from a destiny of illiteracy, from a destiny of ignorance, from a destiny of maleducation, from a destiny not only of unemployment but of un-employability.” His Excellency Ebrahim Rasool

Books For Africa was honored to host His Excellency Ebrahim Rasool, Ambassador of South Africa to the United States, as our keynote speaker for our annual fundraising events on May 15, 2013 in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Representing the largest economy in Africa, His Excellency Rasool spoke of the importance of education and literacy in the rise of Africa. “We cannot have Africans missing the knowledge economy,” said the Ambassador, “For you it may be a maths book that you have forgotten about… but for Africa it is the difference between back to the future or reaching the potential of the African continent.”Breita Linnell, Norm Linnell-BFA Board President, Karen Sorbo, Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, Asratie Teferra – BFA Board member, Seth Eggessa - BFA Board member at the Knowledge is Power Luncheon. (Credit: Aaron Hays)

Books For Africa supporters raised more than $75,000 to ship books to schools and libraries across the African continent. As Ambassador Rasool noted, “Africa’s future is being built not only in Africa. I can see today that it is being constructed actively in Minneapolis/St. Paul and I am deeply honored and humbled to be here and to be part of a recipient community of your generosity.”

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