The Course Hero Knowledge Drive passes 35,000 books donated to Books For Africa. Plans to send representative to Gambia in February!

The Course Hero Knowledge Drive passes 35,000 books donated to Books For Africa. Plans to send representative to Gambia in February!

The Course Hero Knowledge Drive has recently reached a new milestone – 35,000+ books donated to children abroad since its creation in November of 2010.

Established in partnership with Books For Africa, the Course Hero Knowledge Drive is founded upon a simple premise: for every 10 academic documents a student contributes to Course Hero, 1 book will be donated to Books For Africa. This movement allows Course Hero to add to the powerful social learning community and resources they provide to students aroundExecutive Director Patrick Plonski, Rwandan Ambassador Girma Birru, Ethiopian Ambassador James Kimoyo, and Founder of the Knowledge Drive John Stacey III after officially signing the partnership between Books For Africa and Course Hero the world, while simultaneously giving children in Africa the gift of education and the ability to attain a better quality of life.

With Student Leaders at top universities across the country helping to guide and lead this movement on their campuses, the Knowledge Drive has quickly transformed from a small initiative at a handful of schools, to a movement supported by students and teachers nationwide. The desire to advance education both here and abroad has been phenomenal, with students creating school specific Knowledge Drive social media campaigns, hosting live donation events, and writing articles in campus newspapers to build support around this powerful initiative that is now taking place across 100+ campuses.

In February, the Course Hero Knowledge Drive will be taking its next big step as it sends a representative abroad to Gambia to distribute the books that it has helped donate. With the assistance of its Student Leaders, the Course Hero Knowledge Drive has selected the 1 Million Books for Gambia Project as the primary recipient of its donations, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to hand deliver the books to the children, schools, and libraries that it strives to serve.

Brandon Styles of the Course Hero teamWith the help of Hand in Health, the founding group behind the 1 Million Books for Gambia project, Brandon Styles, a member of the Course Hero Knowledge Drive team, will be documenting the trip abroad, and looks forward to sharing the images, stories, and insights that will be collected.

Books For Africa's mission to create a culture of literacy and provide tools of empowerment is one that perfectly aligns with the Knowledge Drive's mission to make education more accessible for students and children worldwide. As a resource and a movement built by students, both Course Hero and the Knowledge Drive fully believe in the power of education, and are excited to push this movement to even higher levels of success as it supports Books For Africa and the fantastic children, students, teachers, and projects that it stands behind.

For More information, go to the Course Hero site.