Ethiopian Ambassador Girma Birru Geda Addresses BFA Supporters at April 20 Reception

Ethiopian Ambassador Girma Birru Geda Addresses BFA Supporters at April 20 Reception

From left: His Excellency Girma Birru Geda, Ethiopia's Ambassador to the U.S.; Sharon Sayles-Belton, VP of Community Relations and Government Affairs for Thomson Reuters Legal business and former Minneapolis mayor; and Tom Gitaa, BFA Board President. At the reception, Sayles-Belton gave an update on the BFA Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative.

Books For Africa was honored to host His Excellency Girma Birru Geda, Ethiopia's Ambassador to the United States, at an evening reception at the University Club of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on April 20, 2011. The Ambassador spoke to the crowd of BFA supporters about the importance of getting even more books into the hands of Ethiopian students of all ages. He outlined the educational goals Ethiopia has set for the next few years, such as ensuring a primary education for all students—boys and girls.

View slideshow of the April 20 evening reception.

At the reception, Sharon Sayles-Belton gave an update on the BFA Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative, which sends law books to African law schools through the generous assistance of Thomson Reuters. Sayles-Belton is VP of Community Relations and Government Affairs for Thomson Reuters Legal business and a former Minneapolis mayor.

BFA Executive Director Patrick Plonski (center) introduces Ambassador Girma Birru Geda to Yeshi Tolessa, who is fundraising to send a BFA container of books to Ethiopia.Special thanks to John Rupp and the University Club for hosting a wonderful event.

Ethiopian Ambassador Girma Birru Geda at the podium.