General Mills employees collect 3,000+ books to send to Africa!

General Mills employees collect 3,000+ books to send to Africa!

Amber Pointer (left), the book drive coordinator, and other volunteers at General Mills.Books For Africa thanks the General Mills Community for the donation of 3,687 books!

The General Mills Black Champions Network hosted a month long book drive and awareness campaign on their Twin Cities campus in celebration of Black History Month. They concluded their book drive and Black History Month activities on Friday, March 1, with a closing ceremony featuring Helene Gayle, President & CEO of CARE, as keynote speaker.

General Mills volunteers braved snowy roads to deliver books to BFA.Special thanks to Amber Pointer, Business Category Manager: Cereal, and all other volunteers for your hard work in coordinating this book drive effort! She and a caravan of fellow GM employees hand delivered books to our new St. Paul Warehouse. 1,000 “Spoonfuls of Stories” books will be donated from Cheerios in addition to all of the books already collected.