Ghanaian Ambassador to the U.S. Hosts Reception Honoring Books For Africa

Ghanaian Ambassador to the U.S. Hosts Reception Honoring Books For Africa

His Excellency Daniel Ohene Agyekum, Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States, presents BFA founder Tom Warth with an Award of Merit. BFA board member Asratie Teferra is at left.

His Excellency Daniel Ohene Agyekum, Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States, hosted an event entitled “To End the Book Famine in Africa” at the Embassy of the Republic of Ghana in Washington D.C. on March 4, 2011.

Over 150 people were in attendance at the event honoring BFA’s Summit and Legacy Society members. The Ambassador presented BFA founder Tom Warth with an Award of Merit for his 20+ years of working to send books to African children.

View slideshow of reception.

BFA Summit Society member Rosemond Owens and her family drove from Minnesota to Washington D.C. to meet the Ambassador.