Guests at BFA Warehouse Open House Celebrate Shipment of BFA Books to Angola Funded by Better World Books

Guests at BFA Warehouse Open House Celebrate Shipment of BFA Books to Angola Funded by Better World Books

Books For Africa and Better World Books Folks celebrate at the open house at the BFA Atlanta warehouse on June 4, 2011.

Thanks to generous funding from Better World Books, a container of 22,000 BFA books will help advance education in Angola. On June 4, 2011, guests at the BFA Atlanta warehouse open house celebrated the tremendous support BFA has received from Better World Books over the years and witnessed the send-off of the shipment to Angola.

To date, Better World Books has funded the delivery of over 1.4 million BFA books to students across Africa. Thank you, Better World Books!

Visit the BWB blog to read more about the event and see video of the open house.

Watch a news story about the event.