Books For Africa Earns 2025 Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency
Books For Africa has once again been awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition from Guidestar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofits.
The Guidestar Seals of Transparency recognize nonprofits that share certain key information with the public. To earn the platinum seal, Books For Africa shared information about its finances, history and staff, as well as metrics about its overall strategy and results. This information is tracked year-over-year so that the public can see trends over time. Community members and donors alike can find in-depth and up-to-date information about our program, goals, metrics and progress on our Guidestar profile.
One of Books For Africa's major values is transparency. Each year, we conduct annual recipient feedback surveys and publish our financials and annual report on our website in an effort to be open with our partners and donors about how our programs are doing and the difference we (and they!) are making.
Books For Africa's profile has been updated with the latest information from 2024, including our mission, our metrics, our special initiatives and our board. The documents that are always available to the public on our website were also submitted to Guidestar. All of this data is the result of thorough tracking and compilation work by BFA leadership and staff, and by making it public, we are sharing with you the difference we are making!
Take a look at our Guidestar Profile and let us know what you think!