Help Books For Africa Fill the Gap

Help Books For Africa Fill the Gap


At Books For Africa, our mission is simple: end the African book famine.

We have now delivered books to 48 of 55 African countries.

We need YOUR help to Fill the Gap and send books to the handful of African countries that have never before received books from Books For Africa.  Help us fill school the shelves in EVERY country in Africa!

First stop, Libya.  In the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring, Libya is in the midst of massive change. Amongst the many transformations underway, Libya faces the difficult but necessary task of providing positive and quality schools for its youth.

Help BFA supply books to new and re-building schools and post-secondary institutions in Libya during this time of change and growth.

Donate to the Fill the Gap Campaign this month, and your donation will go toward sending a container of 22,000 books to Libya!  Help us reach our $10,300 goal by September 30th.   Thank you for helping BFA take the first step toward filling the gap!