Law Students from Georgia State University Volunteer at BFA Warehouse

Law Students from Georgia State University Volunteer at BFA Warehouse

Georgia State University law students sort and pack books at the BFA warehouse in Atlanta.

A group of Georgia State University students arrived on a steamy morning in August to help sort and pack at the Books For Africa warehouse in Atlanta. This class of incoming law school students capped off their week of orientation with a bang by supplying impressive labor and manpower to the warehouse staff.

This is the second time Law Professor and Student Advisor Kelly Timmons has corralled a group of incoming law school students to come and assist at Books For Africa. The students, who were mostly recent college graduates, asked lots of questions about the types of books destined to be shipped to Africa. With high-energy music supplying the soundtrack and lots of enthusiastic volunteers, plenty of pallets were packed that day. Thanks, GSU!

The volunteer law students from Georgia State University.