Mandela Day Libraries project receives books sponsored by the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation

Mandela Day Libraries project receives books sponsored by the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation

The Sir Emeka Offor Foundation's partnership with BFA continues to provide books to students across the African continent. A SEOF sponsored shipment was recently received in Cape Town, South Africa by Breadline Africa, where the books became part of the Mandela Day Libraries project. This project, run in conjunction with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, aims to fulfill Nelson Mandela's wish that all children have the opportunity to read and grow. As Breadline Africa Director Tim Smith notes in a letter of thanks to the SEOF (PDF), this initiative has already reached approximately 40,000 children who otherwise would not have access to books, and the generosity of the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation will contribute to the continued success of this wonderful project. As Mandela said, "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."