Native Ethiopian Asratie Teferra Speaks of the Power of Books and Access to Education

Native Ethiopian Asratie Teferra Speaks of the Power of Books and Access to Education

At the Eascliff reception before the BFA fundraising luncheon, from left: Tom Gitaa (BFA board president), Ambassador Daniel Ohene Agyekum of Ghana, and Asratie Teferra (BFA board member and speaker at luncheon).

 Asratie Teferra, a BFA board member and longtime supporter, gave a moving speech at the BFA fundraising luncheon in April 2010. He told about how he grew up in a one-room grass-covered hut in rural Ethiopia and how access to education and books changed the course of his life profoundly.

Read Asratie Teferra's story in MinnPost.