New BFA video: Students from Capella University lend a hand to end the African book famine!

New BFA video: Students from Capella University lend a hand to end the African book famine!

Thanks to fantastic volunteers, Books For Africa has been able to ship over 27 million books to schools and libraries in 48 different African countries since 1988.

In June of 2012 alone, more than 1,300 volunteers pitched in at our Atlanta warehouse to help sort and pack books. That is more volunteers in one month than we have had in nearly 25 years of shipping books!

One fantastic group of Capella University students from the Atlanta, GA, region pitched in at our warehouse in July 2012. Watch the video to see how this stellar group helped BFA in our mission to end the book famine in Africa!

To find out more about how you can volunteer in our Atlanta warehouse, go to the BFA Atlanta Region Page.