Nigerian Foundation's Donations Strengthen Atlanta-Africa Connections

The Nigerian-Biafran civil war that claimed more than a million human lives from 1967-70 prompted a small group of French doctors to form Doctors Without Borders, which has helped victims of wars and natural disasters around the world since then.

During a brief interview with Global Atlanta, Sir Emeka Offor, the Nigerian businessman and philanthropist, harkened back to the war which began when he was merely an 8-year-old boy. Although he didn't mention it, his embrace of many health-related initiatives through his personal foundation mirrors the humanitarian values of Doctors Without Borders spawned by the devastation of the war.

Mr. Offor, reportedly a billionaire in U.S. dollars many times over, said that his business career has been inspired by a desire to regain the economic standing that was destroyed in the war and that his foundation seeks to fight diseases that hinder economic growth.