Oprah's Angel Network Funds Shipment to Eshowe, South Africa

Oprah's Angel Network Funds Shipment to Eshowe, South Africa

Students in the Eshowe region of South Africa with their BFA books.

Books For Africa recently sent a 40-foot container of approximately 22,000 books to the Eshowe region of South Africa. A generous grant from Oprah's Angel Network funded the shipment.

Read the complete report on this shipment.

View Flickr slideshow of this shipment.

The Principal at Little Flower Primary School in Eshowe writes:

"Our school received boxes of books that were donated by you. We would like to say a big thank you to each and everyone who made this possible.

"The books are outstanding. The 'talking books' were a hit. They are very welcome addition to our library.

"Our school is a primary school which caters mainly for learners from the rural areas around our school. Many of whom are only exposed to English at school. Their home language being IsiZulu. They don’t have libraries near their homes and parents don’t have the money to buy books for them to read at home.

Students in the Eshowe region of South Africa reading their books sent thanks to Oprah's Angel Network.

"You will never know how much we appreciate this wonderful donation. It means so much to the school and the learners."

Read the original letter from the Principal at Little Flower Primary School.