Over 27,000 BFA French language Books to be distributed across Guinea

In October we announced that a container of French books were en route from France to our partners in Guinea on a shipment made possible by the generosity of the Nichols Foundation, fundraising by PCV Caleb Wilson, and support from Hope of Guinea.

We are pleased to report that Peace Corps Guinea has received this container of over 27,000 new French language books, which will be distributed for use in local libraries across the country. This project, initiated prior to the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, persevered through the challenges brought on by the crisis, even as Peace Corps volunteers were evacuated from the region. Local teachers and Peace Corps staff worked diligently to process the 557 boxes of materials, readying them for distribution to 34 villages, where they will allow students, teachers and communities to continue teaching and learning despite the Ebola outbreak.

On February 19, US Ambassador Alex Laskaris and Ministry of Education officials visited the PC office to learn about this effort. Mr. Soriba Sylla, Secretary General of the Ministry of Education said, “PCVs help us in many ways, they go to work in places Guineans don’t want to go and set an example, they pass knowledge on to teachers.” He added, “We were very affected by their departure, want them back as soon as possible and want even more!” Others attending included community representatives from Kouroussa, Porekiré, Kokoulo, Dabis, and Tounkourouma (among those who will be getting the books), as well as representatives of Hope of Guinea and the Teacher Training Institution (ISSEG).