Read Rwandan Ambassador James Kimonyo’s Editorial: “Addressing Africa's Book Famine: The Impact Is Immeasurable”

Read Rwandan Ambassador James Kimonyo’s Editorial: “Addressing Africa's Book Famine: The Impact Is Immeasurable”

At the BFA fundraiser in April 2011. From left: Asratie Teferra, BFA board member; His Excellency James Kimonyo, Rwanda's Ambassador to the U.S.; His Excellency Girma Birru Geda, Ethiopia's Ambassador to the U.S.; and Siad Ali, Constituent Advocate for Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN).

His Excellency James Kimonyo, Rwanda's Ambassador to the United States, wrote a recent editorial titled “Addressing Africa's Book Famine: The Impact Is Immeasurable.” Mr. Ambassador Kimonyo was an honored guest at Books For Africa's annual fundraising luncheon on April 21, 2011.

Read the editorial.