Report from the National Polytechnic Bambui in Cameroon

Report from the National Polytechnic Bambui in Cameroon

Girls from Susana Bilingual Primary School in Cameroon also received books from the ASEC-NW shipment.

ASEC-NW recently distributed 25,000 BFA books to 32 schools in the North-West region of Cameroon. Dr. John Suh Che is the registrar at National Polytechnic Bambui, one of the recipient schools. Dr. Che says that “the library is now quite busy” and “the quality of the books is wonderful.” Dr. Che also makes a plea for more books, noting that they now have “a total of just 5,500 books for the library of a higher institution of learning, which is of course grossly insufficient.”

Click here to read the report and view photos of the library and school.