September 8th is National Literacy Day!

September 8th is National Literacy Day!

On International Literacy Day each year, UNESCO reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally.

September 8, 2009, is International Literacy Day! Join us in celebrating the importance of literacy in improving people’s lives across Africa. Despite many and varied efforts, literacy remains an elusive target: some 776 million adults lack minimum literacy skills, which means that one in five adults is still not literate; 75 million children are out of school, and many more attend irregularly or drop out. Books For Africa believes in the power of literacy, and believes that books help people to acquire literacy skills and help themselves to improve their lives. Over the past 21 years, Books For Africa has engaged in literacy projects in 45 African countries. We have helped fill libraries with books, helped provide textbooks for schoolchildren, and helped university students to get the books they need to improve their educational opportunities. 50 cents sends a book to a child in Africa. Help out the children of Africa today in honor of International Literacy Day!

Visit the UNESCO education page.