Shipment Funded by the USAID Africa Education Initiative Delivered to South Africa

BFA shipment being unloaded in South Africa.Books For Africa, in partnership with the USAID Africa Education Initiative, recently delivered a 40-foot container of textbooks that were distributed to schools in Durban and Johannesburg. Here are some photos of the books being received and a message from South African partners:"We are very excited as we see God bring to pass the things we have desired of him. The ship carrying the books docked on the 18th June 2007 at Durban harbor and the books cleared on the 21st June 2007 at about 12:00 p.m. We accompanied the container to the warehouse and the container was opened in our presence. We were with Angelina and some of the teachers from her school. The col. Habebe assist to see that no import duty or VAT was paid. The books were divided to the three recipients, with us at Elohim Ministries receiving 9 pallets. The books were forwarded to us in Johannesburg arriving Monday the 25th June 2007 at about 3pm and we stored them. The public service including teachers have been striking the last one month thus hiding our effort to identify more schools but we have several that are excited and after the strike we will embark in distributing half the books. The other half will be distributed together with your team of 12 missionaries in September 2007."