Students at Saint Martin De Porres Girls' College in Nigeria Welcome BFA Books

Students at Saint Martin De Porres Girls' College in Nigeria Welcome BFA Books

Students at Saint Martin De Porres Girls' College in Nigeria unload BFA boxes.

 Students and faculty at Saint Martin De Porres Girls' College in Nigeria recently received over 20,000 BFA books.

Reverend John Wangbu writes: "Words are inadequate to express our joy for your magnanimity. Our ultimate goal is to become a centre of excellence—in character and learning, to nurture the intellectual faculties, develop a capacity for sound judgment, and introduce the girls to the wise cultural heritage left behind by our former generations. By your donation, you have contributed and helped us in realizing our mission objective." Students and faculty at Saint Martin De Porres Girls' College in Nigeria pose with boxes of BFA books from the container they recently received.