The Course Hero Knowledge Drive donates 100,000 books to Books For Africa!

The Course Hero Knowledge Drive donates 100,000 books to Books For Africa!

Taylor Stanton of Course Hero

Guest post by: Taylor Stanton, Campus Manger with the Campus Operations Team

As a Manager at Course Hero, I have the great privilege to lead a team dedicated to making an impact in the global landscape of education. The highlight of my career with the Course Hero team is the fact that I get the opportunity to be involved with donating books to Gambia! As we donate our 100,000th book to The Gambia, I am excited to see that the Knowledge Drive has made such a massive impact in creating a more educated future—both here and abroad! Through our partnership with Books For Africa the driven Knowledge Drive Interns continue to show a burning passion for making a real life impact by furthering educational opportunities in The Gambia.

We share the words of a few students who have expressed enthusiasm and pride in knowing that their promotional work with the Knowledge Drive has made a real world impact. Our internship opportunity demonstrates that every day college students have the power to provide children abroad with the very basic building blocks of their education—and future.

Sean Embrey-Stine, Occidental College ‘13
I didn’t know much about the book famine before I became an intern for Course Hero, but as I began pitching to more and more students, I started getting questions about where exactly the books were going. I felt a responsibility to learn more, and now that I have, it has only made me more proud to be working for Course Hero and helping Books For Africa provide books to the people who need them most. Course Hero’s partnership with Hand in Health is helping to provide resources not only to medical professionals and students, as Hand in Health had been doing before the partnership began in 2011, but also to libraries, local schools and hospitals. My favorite thing about the Knowledge Drive is that it provides a way for those of us who have limited financial resources, who are also very far away from Africa, to have an impact. Most organizations working in Africa simply ask for money, yet this partnership between Course Hero and Books For Africa allows young people like me to refine business, social media and development skills while simultaneously helping people overseas.

Sarah Grossman, Drake University ’16
I’m a huge supporter of education; I believe that a solid education can change the world. So, when accepting this internship, it meant so much to me that I could help not only the students around me to learn and succeed, but also those abroad who have an even greater need for resources. At the end of the week, I can honestly say it is not the paycheck that makes me proud of the job I’ve done, but rather the left top corner of “How you are helping” and “How your group is helping,” the “Books donated to students abroad” section, because those show me that I can be significant—I am really making a difference.

Abigail Carson, University of Oregon ’14
It has been an honor to be a part of Books For Africa’s new 100,000 book donation milestone. Working with Course Hero has made me feel that I have made an impact not only for the students on my campus, but also in educational opportunities worldwide. Every course upload and every book donation adds up over time to make a considerable difference in the world. I have found this to be the most motivating part of working with Course Hero and their philanthropic efforts.

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