The Honorable Ombeni Sefue, Tanzanian Ambassador to the U.S., Hosts BFA’s Summit Society Members

The Honorable Ombeni Sefue, Tanzanian Ambassador to the U.S., Hosts BFA’s Summit Society Members

The Honorable Ombeni Sefue, Tanzanian Ambassador to the U.S., introduces Dr. Sarah Moten (on left), former Chief of the Education Division of the United States Agency for International Development.

The Honorable Ombeni Sefue, Tanzanian Ambassador to the U.S., hosted a reception in honor of Books For Africa’s Summit Society members on May 10, 2010, at the Tanzanian Embassy in Washington D.C. Ambassador Sefue is honorary chairman of BFA’s Summit Society, which is made up of BFA’s top-tier donors. The Washington D.C. reception at the Tanzanian Embassy was attended by BFA donors, board of directors members, diplomatic representatives from other African embassies in Washington, and representatives of the USAID Africa Education Initiative. Ambassador Sefue thanked all BFA donors for their generous financial support and noted to the group, “Without a book, how can any learning occur?”

View slideshow of reception.

From left: Henry Bromelkamp (BFA board member), Val Stokes (BFA Summit Society member), Tom Warth (BFA founder), and Asratie Teferra (BFA board member).