The Sierra Leone Book Trust and Peace Corps Bring Books to Sierra Leone

The Sierra Leone Book Trust and Peace Corps Bring Books to Sierra Leone

The Sierra Leone Book Trust (SALBOT) is a long time partner of Books For Africa. As a part of their most recent shipment of BFA books, SALBOT donated about 4,000 books to the U.S. Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, to be distributed to schools at Peace Corps sites throughout the country. This is the second time that SALBOT has worked with Peace Corps – Sierra Leone, having donated 5,000 books in 2012. The containers from Books For Africa are fundraised by Professor Dick Simpson of Chicago, IL, and friends of Schools For Salone, a Washington state NGO that rebuilds schools.

Mr. Sallieu Turay, director of SALBOT, is thrilled to have this opportunity. He says that the organization aims to do more than offer students textbooks and classroom supplies, but also hopes that students will become lifelong learners.

H.E. Michael Owen,  Ambassador of the United States of America to Sierra Leone, as did Ms. Valerie Staats, Director of Peace Corps Sierra Leone and a member of Books For Africa’s Ambassadors Circle.  Ambassador Owen noted that the book donation does more than show cooperation between the governments of Sierra Leone and the U.S., but that the donation represents the good will of both countries’ people to make a difference.

More containers are planned for 2013. For more information, please visit the "Replenishing Libraries" project page.