University of Hargeisa President Tours BFA Warehouse

University of Hargeisa President Tours BFA Warehouse

Touring the BFA Minnesota warehouse, from left: Tom Gitaa, BFA President-Elect; April Gilbert, BFA Minnesota Warehouse Manager; and Dr. Hussein A. Bulhan, President/Chancellor of the University of Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somalia).

Dr. Hussein A. Bulhan, President/Chancellor of the University of Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somalia), recently visited the BFA warehouse in Minnesota. Dr. Bulhan visited with Books For Africa officials, including President-elect Tom Gitaa and BFA Minnesota warehouse manager April Gilbert, to discuss plans for shipping a container of books to the University of Hargeisa. Books For Africa can ship a container of 18,000 university level books to Hargeisa for approximately 72 cents per book. Many of these books carry a retail valuation of $100!