U.S. Ambassador Symington and Peace Corps Volunteers Deliver BFA Books to Rwandan Schools

U.S. Ambassador Symington and Peace Corps Volunteers Deliver BFA Books to Rwandan Schools

U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda Stuart Symington hands out books to students at Groupe Scolaire Mukamira in Nyabihu district, Northern Province.

In April of 2010, U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda Stuart Symington and a group of Peace Corps Volunteers delivered 22,000 BFA books to 41 schools in Rwanda. The container was funded by the U.S. Embassy and USAID/Rwanda, in consultation with the Ministry of Education. Officiating at a book distribution at Groupe Scolaire Mukamira, Ambassador Symington told the students, "Learning is good and interesting when you share with others. Make sure you read those books to your brothers and sisters."

The Books for Peace project is an initiative of a group of Peace Corps volunteers in Rwanda. They are currently fundraising to send a second container to Rwanda.

The book distribution was covered in a story in Rwanda's The New Times.

The U.S. Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda, also posted a story about the shipment.