Why are more African countries adopting English as an official language?

Why are more African countries adopting English as an official language?

2013 ASA ConferenceOn November 23, Books For Africa Executive Director Patrick Plonski presented research at the 56th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association on a topic that comes up often at BFA:  “Why are more African countries adopting English as an official language?”

BFA is the largest shipper of donated textbooks and educational materials to the African continent in the world; many of the books that are sent are written in English. Learn more about the growing use of English across Africa and why BFA books are making a difference in African schools and libraries.


Baltimore, MD“Why are more African countries adopting English as an official language?”

Paper written by Patrick Plonski, Asratie Teferra, and Rachel Brady
Presentation as given by Patrick Plonski at the 2013 ASA conference