April 1st, 2021
In March of 2021 the Gambian Ministry of Justice sent photos and information about the Thomson Reuters reference law library we had sent them. We at Books For Africa were excited to receive this information as it completes a story started 15 months before.
August 5th, 2020
Books For Africa lost a dear friend on June 18th when Vivian Mason passed away. Vivian helped create the law book program for BFA, which was launched in 2008. BFA is planning to ship a law library to Ghana later this year in Vivian's memory.
Walter F. Mondale & Sharon Sayles Belton
Star Tribune
February 10th, 2020
At a time when authoritarianism is growing around the world and basic liberties and freedom of the press are under attack, it is important to continue to develop and strengthen the rule of law. A cornerstone of the rule of law is education, from grammar schools through law school. As our dear friend, the late Kofi Annan, former U.N. secretary-general, often said: “For hundreds of millions of individuals, literacy is the bridge from misery to hope.”
December 11th, 2019
Books For Africa and Thomson Reuters recently celebrated the shipment of their 100th law library to the African continent at an event with distinguished guests from both organizations, and congratulatory letters from former Vice President Walter Mondale and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison.
October 2nd, 2019
A collaboration between the Federal Judiciary Center, Thomson Reuters and the Books For Africa Law and Democracy Initiative resulted in the 2019 shipment of a 40ft sea container to the Namibia Ministry of Education, with more than 35,000 books to support human rights and the rule of law in the country.
Steve Pfeiffer
August 30th, 2019
On February 20, 2019, I was invited by members of the Bar Association of Sierra Leone for a formal ceremony to show gratitude to Thomson Reuters and Books For Africa, and to acknowledge receipt of the shipment of books that were sent to Freetown by Books For Africa for their law library. The full collection of new latest edition law books was provided by Thomson Reuters.