
Books For Africa Is a Proud Sponsor of the African Development Center of Minnesota

April 20th, 2010

Books For Africa was a proud sponsor of the African Development Center of Minnesota gala on April 10, 2010. The African Development Center has for several years running been recognized as the top provider of small business loans in Minnesota, and the gala recognized these achievements. Pictured above at the gala are Hussein Samatar (Books For Africa board member and Executive Director of the African Development Center), Pat Plonski (Executive Director of Books For Africa), and Tom Gitaa (Board President of Books For Africa and Publisher of Mshale).


BFA’s Director of the Law & Democracy Initiative Visits Recipient Schools in Ghana and Liberia

April 2nd, 2010

In February 2010, Lane Ayres, director of Books For Africa’s Law & Democracy Initiative, visited law schools and legal organizations in Ghana and Liberia. The most memorable time was the day he spent at the Grimes Law School in Monrovia, which received the first shipment of West law books from Thomson Reuters in January of 2009. (Dean David Jallah is pictured above.) Everyone gave testimonials as to how the books had improved teaching and learning at the law school. To view a slideshow and get more info, click on the link above...


Orphans in Uganda Receive BFA Books Thanks to Bega kwa Bega

March 25th, 2010

Some of the estimated 2.5 million orphans in Uganda now have access to BFA books thanks to the nonprofit Bega kwa Bega. Alison Flath volunteered at this organization in 2009 and sent BFA a report with photos of the book distribution at some of the primary and secondary schools. She writes: "The education of young people must be a top priority, and your contribution is of enormous value." Click on the link above to view the photos...


Why We Do What We Do at Books For Africa

March 25th, 2010

Camels are being used to transport books to students in rural Kenya who live a nomadic lifestyle. Click on the link above to watch a BBC video...


Books For Africa Delivers Books to Schools in Dakar, Senegal

March 10th, 2010

In February 2010, Carole Patrikakos of Books For Africa delivered English reference and reading books to classrooms in Dakar, Senegal. The books will support the English teachers’ resilient efforts to teach classrooms packed with up to 60 students. The high school students are eager to learn English so they can enter the job market with some proficiency. Click on the link above for more info and to view a slideshow...