
Books For Africa Discusses Book Projects With Members of the African Diplomatic Corps in Washington, DC

May 25th, 2021

Books For Africa Executive Director Patrick Plonski was in Washington, DC, last week visiting with ambassadors and diplomatic staff from several African nations and the African Union. Check out the pictures and summary!


Books For Africa Conducts Site Visits in Nigeria

May 17th, 2021

Books For Africa Board President-Elect Mike Essien was recently in Nigeria visiting several sites of BFA past and potential future book recipients. Check out the videos!


Books For Africa Executive Director Interviewed by “Giving Connected” Podcast

May 11th, 2021

Books For Africa Executive Director Patrick Plonski, PhD, was interviewed by the “Giving Connected” podcast to speak about Books For Africa’s model, history, and recent strategy weathering the pandemic.


Books For Africa Partnership with Elsevier and Merck Ships Container of Medical Books to Ethiopia

May 10th, 2021

Books For Africa maintains a strategic partnership with Merck & Co, which enabled us to ship out a container of Elsevier medical books and Merck Medical Manuals to partners in Ethiopia this past week.


Books For Africa Provides French Books by Senegalese Author to Dakar Primary School

May 4th, 2021

Books For Africa has a special initiative for providing French-language materials to Francophone Africa. Check out a story and video from a primary school in Dakar that received copies of a book by Senegalese author Sokhna Benga.


Ask a Bookseller: A mystery without the procedure in 'Picnic in the Ruins'

Emily Bright

Minnesota Public Radio

April 28th, 2021

MPR recently covered a book review from a bookseller in Michigan with BFA connections.